Government Subsidy Programs in 2022 (THRP, HHBRP)
We've compiled a list of programs and general information that we hope will assist you in understanding what's available and whether you are eligible to apply. We've delimited this list to what we believe is most impactful in terms of mitigating the financial harm caused by the current lockdowns and restrictions.
1. a) The CEWS program as we were previously offered as a subsidy to offset the cost of employee wages is no longer available as of Oct. 23, 2021. In place of the CEWS program, there are specifically two new subsidy programs called Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP) and the Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HHBRP). These are expected to persist until May. 2022.
These programs are designed for businesses that have demonstrated significant losses:
- HHBRP requires a loss of at least 50% in current months with respect to pre-Covid numbers, and with a historical 12 month average loss of at least 50%.
- THRP requires that not only are you specifically in the hospitality, tourism, arts or entertainment sector, but that you have an average 12 month loss of at least 40%, and that your current claim period has also incurred a loss of at least 40%.
Please note: It was recently announced for the THRP program that there will be less astringent eligibility requirements for periods available starting February 2022 for two months only, where the average revenue drop needs to be only 25% over the 12 months in 2021.*
b) The CERS program for rent subsidy was officially closed as of Oct. 23, 2021. However, there are plans to temporarily reopen this program (listed under THRP as well) for application in February for the span of two filing periods (just the same as what's being done for THRP). The general conditions and criteria for meeting eligibility requirements are the same as the aforementioned THRP wage subsidy program.
2. A 10,000 dollar grant will be available to those who have been affected by the recent lockdown announced January 5th and meet the eligibility criteria. Please continue to check this site where you'll find below "Financial relief" the application process and availability status.
Furthermore, where you have restrictions on physical space that your customers can occupy there is a rebate program specific to property tax and energy costs. Please go here to review your eligibility and application process.
3. The Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) loan is still available which is relatively easy to access if you meet the basic requirements as it's backed 100% by the BDC as per the government's mandate. Find out more information here. This application process can be pursued through your banking institution.
We hope this provides some clarity in terms of what might be available to you.
*Tentative announcement of extending for three periods